Five Principles of ATG Training

Here are five ATG principles that I have incorporated into my clients and my training

Strength through length

We work with exercises that are focused on building strength as well as mobility.

Training from the ground upĀ 

We work on strengthening muscles from the ground up. From the feet, calf, knee and upwards, we aim to have no underlying weak links that would, or could, cause injuries further up the body.

    Sledding whenever possibleĀ 

    Sled work has so many benefits that go much further than the strength and conditioning benefits, it clearly gives. It strengthens the knee and ankle joints, making them more resilient to injuries.

      Training pain-free

      We don’t push through any concerning pain. It is important when doing these exercises, where your body is in these lengthened positions, as well as sledding to only work at a level/weight that you can handle with good form and no concerning pain.

        Athletic standards

        Although ATG training has benefits for anybody of any age, progressing from wherever they are, by working through the regressions if needed. There are ATG athletic standards of the percentage your body weight that you can lift through. Each of the exercises included is primarily focused on making you a better overall athlete.

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